Thursday 22 November 2012

Photo Essay- Shakespeare's Time

This is a picture of Queen Elizabeth the first; she is wearing traditional clothing and jewelry designed in the late 1500’s. I picked this picture because Queen Elizabeth the first was queen during Shakespeare’s time.
This is a picture of an old-fashioned kitchen during Shakespeare’s time. Chefs cooked the food for the royal families, and most food would be hand-made. This would be an example of how the kitchen looked during the Montague party or any other party. Everyone would rushing trying to make food as fast as they could as well as make it good, for the guests at the party.

This is a picture of a jester, a jester is a professional clown hired to entertain his owner (king or queen) in the Middle Ages. They were also referred to as a fool; they were the only people who could make fun of the king without getting in trouble or having their life taken. The jesters in the Middle Ages are now known as circus clowns.  The Royal families in some of Shakespeare’s book had jesters to entertain them.

This is a picture of masquerade mask, this mask is white with silver gems and stones on it, and also it has feathers coming out of the top. I picked this picture because this picture represents the masquerade balls/parties they used to hold in the 1500’s. This picture also represents the masks worn at the Montague family party.

This is a picture of 4 men singing into a mike while one is playing the guitar, the men are all wearing tuxedos. I picked this picture because it represents the musicians that sung at parties for the royal families. For example, the Montague party, they had singers that entertained them at the party.

This is picture of someone writing with a quill. Some adults who needed to keep account books and write documents about their trades used the quill pen to write whatever the needed to write down. It was necessary for children to learn how to write as well as read. In the 1700s and well into the 1800s, people wrote with quill pens. Such writing was not easy, and skill came only with lots of practice.

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