Tuesday 2 October 2012

Personal Reflection

1.     Hurtful and derogatory words should not be replaced. We shouldn't change the way the past was because of how the present is now. The book would lose its touch, and you wouldn't get a good view at how the slaves were treated back then, the words are needed to get a more realistic point of view. They should not be replaced because they are historically accurate, the reader should actually know what happened to slaves instead of using other words to make the book less realistic. Therefore, for these reasons I say that we should keep the words in the book, you have the option to read the book or not.
2.     The novel is relevant to today’s society. This book is relevant to today’s society because slavery and racism still exists today. Racism against many races, for example, racism exists against blacks, Jews, and many other religions. People with power have slaves that work for them and places around the world that are less fortunate have slavery. Slavery exists in many parts of the world even though there are laws and rules against it. Children are forced to work at such a young age for little or no money, children are sexually assaulted. Therefore, for the reasons above and many more this novel is relevant to today’s society.
3.     It would be better reading from literature and fiction. It would be better because it would be more interesting than reading a boring textbook, which you could fall asleep reading. Reading this book is a very good perspective on what happened a long time ago, even though Aminata is not real, her story and what she’s been through is all true. When you read this book you still get what they are trying to tell and teach you about the past, some parts of Aminata’s life may not be real but you get close enough of a realistic point of view enough to learn from the book and her story. Therefore, it would be better reading literature and fiction instead of a dry textbook.